
In my wordpress, I review whatever I feel like that is in any form of media. This site has plans on what might happen, such as a review segment that will deal with bad remakes, which will be called Remake Reaping. I will also tackle on the bad episodes on popular TV shows called Rerunagade. To answer your question, yes. That last title did take me a long time for me to come up with.

In the meantime, this is all that I will do so far. I may come up with other ideas for other reviews, but for now, this is all that I have. Sure, I can upload reviews on videos, but as of now, I will just do some text reviews to see how my wordpress turns out. That, and reading is good for you! So sit up, turn on your lights in wherever you are to avoid ruining your eyes in the dark, and enjoy reading some random stranger’s thoughts!

P.S., I haven’t thought about the title to my wordpress yet.

EDIT: I have yet to figure out what I’m about to review, so hang on tight and be patient on what my first review will be.